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You're Your Own Asset (Y.Y.O.A.)

Have you ever wondered how some people are capable doing terrible things? I'm not talking about terrorists and governments here, my concerns are more simple than that. I'm talking about the people in your life, your friends and maybe even family in some cases, who can spend immeasurable time manipulating you to fit into their scheme in some form or fashion. Almost everyone has a person in their life that wants to harness and control your personally attributed skills and use them in whatever way they see fit. But it doesn't make you a victim. If anything, it should make you aware of what it actually is that they see in you and prepare you for if it happens again. You're an asset to these people. Something about you makes you extremely special to them but not necessarily your personal opinions.

If you ever decide to go into business with an individual or an organization, hit the brakes for a moment and really think about what it is you're giving to this friend, peer, or family member. What does it really take to partner up with another human being? What is it about you that they need so badly? Why should you risk everything you've spent your extremely important time and energy building because someone you think you can trust says they have an opportunity for you?

By nature, we are a jealous and greedy species with the faint glow of soft green paper reflecting off of our deceitful eyes. If someone goes out of their way to help you in a few small ways in business, they will likely expect something from you in the future. Do yourself a tremendous favor and do your due diligence when partnering. Always know everything you can about your potential partner, regardless of your connection to the person in question. You honestly can't know what is really going through their mind and they may only want to use you for a time and toss you to the side. Things like that can cause irreparable damage to a business and set your work back for months if not years or worse.

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